Sport the colors of Asia Pacific with the Ying Esports Set. Includes the Prestigious Heritage uniform and headgear, the Flowing Winds weapon skin and the Ying Esports Chibi charm. Avaliable for a limited time.
Sport South American colors with the Mira Esports Set. Includes the Wild Exuberance uniform and headgear, the Steamroller weapon skin and the Mira Esports Chibi charm. Avaliable for a limited time.
Sport North American colors with the Buck Esports Set. Contains the Elated prodigy uniform and headgear, the Wide Plains weapon skin and the Buck Esports Chibi charm. Avaliable for a limited time.
Sport European colors with the Jager Esports Set. Includes the Herculean uniform and headgear, the Resolute Oaks weapon skin and the Jager Esports Chibi charm. Avaliable for a limited time.
Wear European colors with the Kapkan Esports Set. Contains the Eminent Unity uniform and headgear, the Great Blue Field weapon skin and the Kapkan Esports Chibi charm. Available for a limited time.
Wear Asia-Pacific colors with the Ela Esports Set. Contains the Assiduous Venture uniform and headgear, the Seaside Ambition weapon skin and the Ela Esports Chibi charm. Available for a limited time.
Wear North American colors with the Blackbeard Esports Set. Contains the Septentrion uniform and headgear, Titanian Glory weapon skin and Blackbeard Esports Chibi charm. Available for a limited time.
Wear South American colors with the Nomad Esports Set. Includes the Spirited Victor uniform and headgear, Vibrant Grasslands weapon skin and the Nomad Esports Chibi charm. Available for a limited time.
Sport South American colors with the Caveira Esports Set! Comes with the Golden Courage uniform and headgear, the Celestial Equator weapon skin and the Caveira Esports Chibi charm. Avaliable for a limited time.
Sport North American colors with the Smoke Esports Set. Contains the Orbs and Maples uniform and headgear, and the Northern Vigor weapon skin. Add the Smoke Esports charm. Avaliable for a limited time.
Sport the colors of Asia-Pacific with the Blitz Esports Set. Includes the Eastern Sunrise uniform and headgear, the Heroic Pacific weapon skin and the Blitz Esports Chibi charm. Avaliable for a limited time.
Sport European colors with the Twitch Esports Set. Includes the Fierce Alliance uniform and headgear, the Rising Force weapon skin and the Twitch Esports Chibi charm. Avaliable for a limited time.
Celebrate the European Six Major with the Kaid Six Major EU Set. Contains the Six Major EU 2020 unifrom, headgear, charm and weapon skin for the TCSG12. Avaliable for a limited time.